IVF Patient With Positive Beta On Immunoglobulins (IVIG) & Has Questions


Good day Dr Ramirez,

I wrote to you a while ago. We just completed our 3rd IVF (in vitro fertilization cycle) and 2 , 5-day frozen blastocysts were transferred.

I had a blood test on day 10 post transfer and the result was positive. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. My doctor gave me 5ml immunoglobulin (integram) on day 2 of my cycle and 5ml again 10 days post transfer. I am also on 600mg cyclogest as well as folic acid , baby asprin, omega 3 & 6 and staminogro.

I am still concerned about the arthritis and worry about the anti bodies - is the immunoglobulin sufficient - what is the protocol, what do you suggest?

My second question is. From the day of the FET I felt this twitch on my left side of my uterus . From 7 days post transfer I have lower back and stomach pains.

Should I worry? I have heard that it is normal for FET patients to get pains and cramps and it is good pains. I have no spotting though. My first beta on day 10 was 198 and my second beta on day 12 was 416 .Can you please advise. Thank you. V.


Hello V.,

I believe the immunoglobulin is sufficient from a fertility point of view, but I don't know in regards to the arthritis. You would need to consult a rheumatologist to get the answer to that question.

The pains you are having are probably normal. Many women experience some uterine cramping or pains in the early pregnancy. We call these "growing" pains. Your bHCG levels are good so things look good. At this point, you just have to hope for the best. Congratulations and stay positive!

Follow-Up Question:

Thank you so much for your reply. Do I understand correctly that the dosage of the immunoglobulin that I got is sufficient for the duration of the whole pregnancy and I don't need to get additional imunoglobulin again? The reason why I ask is that I had a miscarriage 7 years ago ( a natural cycle without any meds)- due to the antibodies of the athritis and I am concerned that it might happen again.


Hello Again,
Because the use of Immunoglobulin in IVF is controversial, there are no set protocols or dosages. Therefore, I cannot comment on the dosage or times of delivery. In my experience, however, it is given at the beginning of the cycle, after the transfer and if pregnant again at that time. I would recommend that you look up the Reproductive Immunology Associates website (www.rialab.com/ivf_immunotherapy.php). They are immunologists that have geared their practice specifically to reproductive issues. They will have more specific information regarding the use of immunoglobulins. They will also answer email questions.

Good Luck,

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Programwww.montereybayivf.com
Monterey, California, U.S.A.
Twitter with me at @montereybayivf and follow me on Facebook at http://bit.ly/9Iw9oV


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