2009 Goals: Hurray!

I wanted to share my great news with all of you - my blogging friends. Especially those of you who are working on helping your kids to eat healthier foods. I posted earlier this year about my healthy eating goals for 2009. One of the goals was to decrease the amount of processed cold cereal our family eats and start making more hot cereals for breakfasts. It started out a little rough with my 4-year-old especially, but since then we've had a complete turn around!

I now feed my family oatmeal (or other homemade cereal) 3 days a week, I cook another kind of breakfast 3 days a week (waffles, pancakes, eggs, etc.) and we have cereal every Sunday morning before we go to church. Today was a non-oatmeal day and I asked my four-year-old what he wanted for breakfast. He said, "Oatmeal with peaches! My favorite!" I had to smile. It's only been 3 months and he's gone from not wanting to touch the stuff to wanting it even on the off days! So there you go! This is possible! Children and adults (even the pickiest) can be taught to enjoy healthy food!

By the way, since we've stopped eating as much cold cereal we've noticed a significant decrease in the amount of money we spend on food every month. It's crazy how much money cold cereal eats out of your food budget! I plan on doing a more detailed post about this in the future.


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