Planting Time - Spring Garden!

We're going to plant our Spring Garden tonight! Hurray! In our area we can plant peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, onions, celery, radishes, beets, cabbage, and other cold-weather crops. Check with your local extension service for planting times for your area. Here's what we're planting:

Walla Walla
Longstanding Bloomsdale (Spinach)
Buttercrunch (Lettuce)
Oakleaf (Lettuce)
Summertime Head (Lettuce)
Sugar Snax 54 (Carrot/Nantes x Imperator)
Oregon Giant (Snow pea)

Our crocuses have bloomed and some of the daffodils. I love this time of year where things start turning green again and it warms up outside. Happy spring and happy planting!!


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