Sugar Cookies

I love sugar cookies! Something about them brings me back to was one of our favorite things to make for every holiday or even when there was no holiday. This is a great recipe - a favorite of ours! It not only makes A LOT, but the cookies come out thick and soft rather than hard and crunchy.

Sugar Cookies

*Makes 10-12 dozen cookies

*Note: This recipe makes a lot so I like to freeze half of the dough and then unthaw for a few hours before I roll them out.

2 Cups sugar
2 Cups shortening or lard
2 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
2 Cups cream (or 1/2 Cup powdered milk and 2 Cups water)
2/3 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. baking powder
8-9 Cups unbleached white flour - enough to form a soft ball

Cream sugar and shortening. Add eggs and vanilla and mix well. Add cream (or powdered milk and water), salt, baking soda, baking powder and 1/2 the flour. Mix and add more flour until dough forms a soft ball. Adding too much will make your cookies dry. Refrigerate dough for 2 hours. Roll out on a lightly floured surface to about 1/8"-1/4" thick and cut into desired shapes. Bake at 350ยบ for 8-9 minutes or until cookies are just barely done (still white). Cool and frost if desired.

4 Cups powdered sugar
1 can condensed milk
1 tsp. shortening
1 tsp. butter
food coloring, if desired

Whip above ingredients until mixed well. Add food coloring if desired. Frost on cooled cookies. 


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