IVF Patient's Early BetaHCG Levels Show Drop In Estrogen


On January 12th, I discovered I was pregnant following IVF. My HCG numbers have been excellent. However, on January 21st I learned that my estrogen levels had dropped to 259 (from 400 on Jan 15). My progesterone and HCG continued to do well (HCG 569 on Jan 15, 3616 on Jan 21st). My Doctor has indicated that I should plan a D&C imminently as the pregnancy is unlikely to be viable.
Would you share this view? How significant is an estrogen drop? Thank you.


Thank you for your question.

In the early pregnancy, less than 6 weeks gestational age, estrogen is derived almost completely from the ovary. Placental estrogen production has not started. Based on your first BHCG, I estimated that you are less than 6 weeks gestational age (assuming your BHCG was drawn at 8-10 weeks post transfer). If that is the case, and you are not taking exogenous estrogen (from another source), then the drop is concerning because it is an essential hormone of pregnancy.

Your doctor might want to consider adding estrogen in some form. Estrogen alone is not sufficient to diagnose an impending miscarriage. If all three hormones are dropping, then that would be significant. I would continue to follow the BHCG levels, which is the most sensitive to make that diagnosis.

In such an early pregnancy, a D&C is generally not required. Good luck and hang in there!

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D.
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program


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