Primary Amenorrhea In 32 Year Old


I am 32 years old and never had a period. My mom took me to the doctor when I was 20 yrs old and they did an ultrasound of my abdomen which showed no cysts in the ovaries and a hormone test which showed that my FSH and LH levels were low. The TSH was normal.

A genetics test confirmed that I am xx. I used the contraceptive pill and had a bleeding. I have always had excess hair growth since puberty and acne issues. Do you think something is seriously wrong with me or I should just let things stay the way they are?


There is absolutely something wrong, and it should have been taken care of a long time ago. Without specific laboratory information I cannot tell you what the problem is, but you have some type of ovarian dysfunction. In other words, your ovaries are not working. The bad part of this is that you are probably estrogen deficient. Estrogen is the female hormone and is important for many different parts of your body. As a consequence, you have an elevation in the male hormone, testosterone, because your ovary is not making estrogen. If you keep up like this you could suffer the following consequences: increased facial and body hair, loss of head hair (male pattern baldness), increased acne, deepening of the voice, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, increased heart disease.

The reason for the birth control pill was to give you the female hormones that you need and block the male hormone production. If you are not planning on getting pregnant, then you need to go back on the birth control pill. I would recommend that you go on Yasmin or Yaz, which blocks the male hormone better. Bottom line is that you need to see an Endocrinologist or Reproductive endocrinologist.

Good luck and be sure to follow through with my advice!

Edward J. Ramirez, M.D., FACOG
Executive Medical Director
The Fertility and Gynecology Center
Monterey Bay IVF Program


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